Swim Spa in Sunroom
A nice large in ground swim spa with custom tile surrounding it.

Sunroom With Swimspa
Nice sandy colored tile with a beige grout to give it a nice lighter look. Along with a set of floor drains on each side of Swim Spa.

Swim spa In Sunroom
A nice decorative tile floor along the perimeter of the swim spa and edges of the room.

Sunroom With Swimspa
Plenty of space for people to come and go through a nice big set of glass sliding doors onto a nice large deck.

Sunroom Tile
Tile with sand colored grout to give off a beachy feel! off to the right is the vent with a detection system to kick on the Sanidry de-humidifier.

Exterior Deck and Sunroom
Nice large deck for entertaining and cooking with steps coming down to the backyard.

Sunroom With Deck
This deck also comes equipped with Vinyl railing, a composite decking system and accent lighting that's on a timer.

Swim Spa and Tile
This nice tile along with this floor drain for easy clean up provides a nice comforting feel inside this sunroom with a Swim spa.

Sunroom and Swimspa
There is a climate control centered mounted up high in the middle of the room for comfort all year round. DBC also installed tile along the whole wall as well as a custom beam in the middle of the sunroom to give off a nice finish feel to the room.